Our Spring term runs from Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April. Half-term is Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February. Monday 24th February is an INSET day. Paper copies of information from our website are available free of charge.

British Values

Children have daily opportunities to learn what it means to be a member of their local and wider community on Britain. The Friday Headteacher assembly always highlights a significant news event that has happened in the world and relates it to a particular value.


Where people can take part in the decisions that affect the way their community is run.

In school, the importance of democracy is promoted through:

- A fair and honest process for electing school councillors, Year 6 prefects and any other roles for the children which carry responsibility
- Ensuring children and adults have an opportunity for their voice to be heard when decisions are made in school
- Ensuring voices are heard in a polite, respectful and non-threatening way
- Ensuring opportunities for debate on a range of local, national and international issues

Key learning:
- To understand how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process

The rule of law

A set of rules that all people and organisations must follow. They are designed to protect the rights of people. No person is above the law.

In school, the rule of law is promoted through:

- Agreeing behaviour expectations for classrooms and playgrounds, that ensure the safety and positive learning experiences for all
- Agreeing rewards and sanctions and applying them fairly to all
- Ensuring opportunities for children to meet those who support the rule of law, eg. a member of the Camborne PCSO team
- Providing specific learning sessions that teach the need for rules and laws

Key learning:
To appreciate that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety.

Individual liberty

The right for a person to believe, act and express themselves freely (within the law).

In school, this is promoted through:
- An increase in choice and decision making as children move further up the year groups, encouraging independence
- Ensuring elements of choice through the school day within a set of boundaries, eg. what to have for lunch, which book to read, how to present their work, which clubs to take part in etc.
- Providing opportunities to learn that with certain rights comes a level of responsibility
- Ensuring an understanding that all have a right to have a point of view or a belief and all have a right to be heard safely and respectfully

Key learning:
- To know citizens have rights to choice, consent and individuality. To understand that rights come with responsibilities.

Mutual respect

When two or more people do not share the same opinion or belief, yet they have proper regard for the rights and dignity of the other.

The school promotes mutual respect through:

- Agreeing behaviour expectations for around the school, with an understanding of the reasons why
- A whole school ethos, followed by staff and children, which has respect as a fundamental value
- Constant highlighting and praising of those showing respect for one another
- Ensuring the curriculum offers opportunities to experience different cultures, religions and beliefs

Key learning:
- To have an understanding that other people who have different beliefs must be accepted and tolerated, with no prejudice or discrimination

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

When people do not share the same faith or religion, yet they respect and tolerate each other regardless.

The school promotes tolerance through:

- An RE curriculum which offers opportunities to explore the main world religions
- A weekly assembly timetable, led by visiting groups from a range of cultures, heritages, religions and charities
- Ensuring the whole curriculum offers opportunities to explore diversity
- Providing opportunities for children to learn from, not just learn about cultures and beliefs that are different from their own

Key learning:
- To understand and accept a person's right to choose and hold their own religion, faith or belief