Our Autumn term runs from Wednesday 4th September to Friday 20th December. Half Term is Monday 28th October to Monday 4th November. Paper copies of information from our website are available free of charge.

The Role of the Governing Body

From 1st April 2014 all the Catholic Schools in the Plymouth Diocese became part of the Catholic Multi Academy Trust, known as ‘Plymouth CAST’.

Who are Governors?

School Governors are people from the school’s local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They MUST be over eighteen years at the date of their appointment, but there is no upper age limit. Each term of office lasts for four years.

Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country!
They have a very important part to play in raising school standards through three key roles which are –

1. Setting Strategic Direction
This is for the short, medium and long term. It involves setting aims and objectives and setting policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. There needs to be clarity of vision, ethos and direction.

2. Ensuring Accountability
Contributing to the school self-evaluation, understanding strengths and weaknesses, reporting to stakeholders i.e. young people, parents and staff

3. Monitoring and Evaluating School Performance
Measuring and challenging progress and reviewing School Improvement Plans by holding the Headteacher and Leadership Team to account for improving the quality of teaching, achievement and behaviour and safety.

Why we are here

The Law says that: The governing body has general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement (Section 21 of the Education Act 2002).

The governing body is accountable for the performance of the school and it fulfils this by setting the aims of the school and its priorities for improvement. It agrees, monitors and evaluates the policies, targets and actions by which the school will move forward, including setting and monitoring the school budget.

The governing body’s role is strategic. Governors are not expected to be involved in the detail of the day-to-day management of the school. The Headteacher has responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and for implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body. Each of the governors has a responsibility for a specific aspect of school life and regularly meets with staff and visits classrooms, the staffroom and the dining hall. Governors are at the heart of how a school operates and it is vital that we get things right.

The governing body works in partnership with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team. Acting as ‘critical friends’, the governing body has a role to support and challenge the work of the school.

Governors must act corporately. Individual governors do not have the power to act alone unless the corporate governing body has given them the authority to do so. Individual governors have a broadly representative role but they are part of a team. They are not delegates and do not have any kind of mandate from the body who elected or appointed them.

Queries and concerns about any aspect of school life should, in the first instance, be directed to the appropriate member of the school staff rather than to individual governors. It is important that governors are not involved in issues, which may become formal complaints as this prevents governors from dealing with the matter impartially at a later stage. Should you wish to pursue a matter further, having first attempted to resolve the issue with the relevant school staff, then please put your concern in writing to the chair of governors.
Plymouth CAST Information
CAST Board Information 


Statutory Trust Documents 

Plymouth CAST - Trustee Reports & Financial Statements

CAST Policies

Plymouth CAST - Trust Policies & Information


If you are interested in becoming a governor at St John's, please contact the Clerk to Governors Melanie Harris melanie.harris@plymouthcast.org.uk