Our Spring term runs from Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April. Half-term is Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February. Monday 24th February is an INSET day. Paper copies of information from our website are available free of charge.

Pupil Premium

Supporting our disadvantaged pupils

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools with the aim of raising achievement and progress made in learning by pupils who are at a disadvantage. Schools are challenged to close the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
Pupils are eligible for their school to receive the premium funding under the following categories:

- They receive Free School Meals
- They have received Free School Meals within the last 6 years (Ever 6)
- They are a Looked After Child in the care of the Local Authority
- They have previously been a Looked After Child and have now been adopted or they are under a special guardianship or a child arrangement order
- They have a parent serving in the armed forces, or has served within the last 6 years.
Schools decide on the best ways to use the Pupil Premium funding, in order to raise attainment for these pupils. St John's uses evidence published by the Education Endowment Fund, as well as other sources of educational research, to support the spending decisions.