Our Spring term runs from Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April. Half-term is Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February. Monday 24th February is an INSET day. Paper copies of information from our website are available free of charge.

Our Governors

Although part of the Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust, St John's still has a team of governors supporting the leadership and management of the school. The board is made up of members, and carries out its responsibilities, in line with the Trust's Scheme of Delegation.
Nicola Armstrong

Headteacher, Ex-Officio

Francis Sanderson

Foundation Governor and Chair of Governors

Health, Safety and Data Protection Lead
Term of Office: 12.10.2022- 11.10.2026

I am a professional Strength and Conditioning coach having worked with the public and in professional sport, coaching individuals and teams to develop their health, fitness and performance. These have been in multidisciplinary teams that require good communication and plenty of reviewing and analysing to ensure the coaching delivered is reaching the desired goals. Working with a wide variety of clientele and colleagues requires good communication and problem solving to ensure goals are met.
Being a parishioner of St John the Baptist Church I became a governor to help the school maintain its high standards with support from the church community.

Sue Trezise

Foundation Governor

Safeguarding and Child Protection Lead
Term of Office: 12.10.2022- 11.10.2026

I'm a Foundation Governor (i.e. appointed by the Bishop) and I'm currently vice-chair of the St. John's board. I'm also the lead governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection, a challenging role but, nevertheless, enjoyable. I have been associated with St. John's for several years and I know the school well. The headteacher and staff are totally committed to the safety, well-being and education of all the children; I support them by visiting the school often, by listening to what the staff and children have to say and by attending all meetings of the board.

Marianne Kyle

Foundation Governor

RE and Catholic Life Lead
Term of Office: 08.01.2025- 07.01.2029

Charles West

Parent Governor

Inclusion Lead
Term of Office: 23.11.2023- 22.11.2027

Andrew O'Donnell

Parent Governor

Term of Office: 22.01.2025- 21.01.2029

June Ash

Staff Governor

Term of Office: 01.09.2022-31.08.2026

Fran Lobban

Staff Governor

Term of Office: 13.11.2024-12.11.2028

Melanie Harris

Clerk to Governors

If you would like to contact the Governing Body or obtain Local CAST Board meeting minutes please do this via the Clerk to Governors Mrs Melanie Harris  melanie.harris@plymouthcast.org.uk